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Testng: NG refer to next generation
1. Testng & Junit are both Java Frameworks used by developers to perform unit testing of their
2. Junit is subset of Testng. Testng is so powerful due to its advanced features which are as below

a. Grouping of testcases- Group=Sanity 10testcases,Group=Regression 100-Done
b. Paramterization of testcases
c. Parlell execution of testcases
d. Passing multiple values to the testcases using Excel
3. Testng generates very good html reports which are useful to showcase to the stake holders.

Select the project and Press f5 to the see the test-output folder.
a. index.html
b. emailable-report.html

4. TEstng doesnt have main method
5. Testng has annotations. Annotations always starts with @ symbol.
6. Testng executes the @Test methods in alphabetical order.

For all the testng documentation pls refer to this link ->http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html


1. Understand the application.
2. Get thorough knowledge of domain. HealthCare - HIPAA,Insurance-Accord,XML-OTA
3. Understand the manual testcases
4. Pick few testcase and execute manual testcases
5. Ask for more information.
6. List the testcases how many we can automate. Provide infromation for the testcases why we cannot automate.
7. We have to automate testcases.

Manual TC_001: Verify the title of the page
1. Open Firefox Browser.
2. Enter the url.
3. Check the title

Expected Result:
Verify the title of the page should be displayed as 'Google'.

Actual Result:
The tilte of the page is displayed as 'Google'.



Automate the testcase TC_001

public class GoogleWebApp
public void verifyTitle()

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); //1. Open Firefox Browser.
driver.get("http://www.google.com");   //2. Enter the url.
String expected="Google"; 3. Check the title
String actual = driver.getTitle();

@Test is an annotation. So, when we try to execut the program as testng. it will execute all the
@Test annotation methods.

@Test Attributes:

@Test(description="testcase description")

@Test(priority=value,description="testcase description",enabled=false)

@Test (dependsOnMethods={"Login"})- If the dependsOnMethods is failed the method will be skipped.

XML is an extensible markup language similar to html, but
xml is mainly useful to write user defined tags.
html is mainly useful to use predefined tags.

Website -> w3schools.com

We will write an xml file to invoke the testng program.
<suite name="GoogleSuite">
<test name="SanityTests">

<class name="packagename.classname">

To see more logs we have to set the suite level attributes verbose=5.. values range from 1 to 10.


How do we manage pre-conditions and post-conditions for all the @Test methods.

@BeforeClass , @AfterClass

login->search->searchPage ->validate->logout

public class ebayApp
public void Logout()
syso(" in logout");


public void login()

syso("in login");
public void search()

public void validateSearchDetails()

public void searchPageTitle()


How do we manage pre-conditions and post-conditions for each @Test methods.


Execution Order->

login -> searchPageTitle->logout

public class ebayApp
public void Logout()
syso(" in logout");


public void login()

syso("in login");
public void search()

public void validateSearchDetails()

public void searchPageTitle()

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@BeforeTest & @AfterTest

Expertise in API Testing. API(Application programming interface)

public class MathFunctions

public boolean void verifyValue(int i)

boolean result;
syso("i is smaller than 10");

syso("i is greater than 10");



BVA - i <10,i>10, i==10    9 , 11,10


Grouping of testcases in Testng:
Currently most of the companies are using agile methodology.
You will getting build everyday.We will perform sanity Testing.


groups is an attribute for @Test annotation

public void Login()


public void VerifyLinkText()


public void Logout()

How do we invoke a single method via xml

<class name="packagename.classname">
<include name="methodname" />


They are totally 4 automation frameworks which are available.

1. Modular  Framework:Methods are mainly to perform some functionality. Reusability,maintainablity and reduce
duplication of code,save effort and time.

public class eBay
LoginPage page = new LoginPage();

public void TC_001()



public void TC_002()


public void TC_003()



public class LoginPage

public void enterLoginDetails(String username,String password)



2. Data Driven->Reading the data from an external resource(excel,xml,database) and pass the multiple sets of
data to the testcases.

3. Keyword->
We will try to maintain the keywords and map the keywords to the methods.
Invoke the methods during runtime using reflection api.

4. Hybrid->

Combination of any of the above frameworks is known as hybrid framework